tors. 16. maj
|Kongens Lyngby, DTU Skylap
Community event. Open for all.

16. maj 2024, 09.30 – 16.30
Kongens Lyngby, DTU Skylap, Centrifugevej 374, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Danmark
Community events are exciting events hosted by other players in the startup ecosystem than Angella Invest. Many of the community events are international and therefore information about these events will be communicated in English.
AT DTU Startup Day, we gather the next generation of tech entrepreneurs and businesses to present the thriving startup scene on and around DTU. We invite investors and industry to meet and connect with +60 early-stage, knowledge-based startups showcasing their prototypes and technologies in the exhibition and pitching their business ideas on stage.
DTU Startup Day will feature the best and brightest entrepreneurs and innovators from our ecosystem, e.g. startups from the early-stage programmes Skylab Ignite and DTU X-Tech to research based spinouts..
DTU has one of the most well-developed ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship among technical universities in Europe. Together with PreSeed Ventures and DTU Science Park, we will share insights and knowledge on investment in deep tech startups, impact assessment and shed light on the steps to build a thriving innovation ecosystem.
Participation is free.
You are not signed up until you have signed up directly at the host.