ons. 06. mar.
Open to all. Targeted investors, founders and industry experts within women's health. The event will be held in English.
06. mar. 2024, 14.00 – 17.30
EIFO, Hafiagade 3, København (Nordhavn)
According to the Mckinsey study "The dawn of the FemTech Revolution" only 1% of global healthcare R&D is invested in women's health (ex. cancer). The global women's health market is estimated to be USD 12 trl. and growing annually with 5-8% CAGR. Since the majority of investors in the startup enviroment are male, there has not been a historic focus on startup investments in women's health (e.g. period, birth, menopause etc.). This leaves a huge untapped investment potential!
Angella Invest, EIFO and BII (BioInnovation Institute) invite to the first ever Investor Summit about Women's Health in Denmark. Here you can meet likeminded investors, founders and industry experts within women's health to an afternoon full of inspiration and great networking opportunities.
The purpose of the event is bridge the world from life science to startups to investors, so we can ignite and accelerate investments in women's health!
14.00-14.30: Arrival and network
14.30-14.40: Welcome
- Angella Invest, EIFO & BII
14.40-15.00: Mapping the world of investment opportunities within women's health
An introduction to women's health terms, growth and investment opportunities:
- Charlotte Nørgaard Langer, Head of Women's Health Member Group, Angella Invest
15.00-15.25: Introducing Goddess Gaia Ventures - Europe's only dedicated Women's Health Investment Fund
Keynote speaker presentation introducing Goddess Gaia Ventures as the first and only dedicated women's health investment fund and currently raising GBP 100 mio. to invest in women's health startups:
- Priya Oberei, Founding General Partner of Goddess Gaia Ventures, angel investor, Founder of Oberoi Capital Partners - and much more!
15.25-15.45: Innovation and growth opportunities in women's health
Panel debate and dialogue between four fantastic women's health investors, founders and experts:
- Cathrine Nygaard Christensen, Senior Innovation Manager, Women's Health, BioInnovation Institute
- Sara Kindberg, Midwife, PhD. Founder and CEO in GynZone & Vulva Enterprise, angel investor in FemTech
- Suzaan Saurmann, angel investor, Women's Health Evangalist, femtech mentor and consumer tech expert
- Christina Høegh Selmer Kirk, CEO & Co-founder of DUSK and Associate Director, Ferring Pharmaceuticals (maternal health)
- Anne Færch Jørgensen, impact investor, phd. in Molecular Biology and women's health advocate
15.45-16.20: Workshop & round table discussions
Workshop facilitated by Angella Invest:
- Round table discussions at women's health "theme tables", e.g. menstrual health, women-specific chronic conditions, pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood and many other themes.
16.20-16.30: Discussion of findings & summing up
Discussion of findings and where do we go from here?
16.30-17.30: Network and drinks
Network, drinks and meetups at "theme" tables and startup stands.
17.30: Thank you for today
- The event is open to all, however, targeted at investors, startups and industry experts within women's health
- Arrival and parking: It is recommended to take the metro since EIFO is right next to Orientkaj metro station. There is only paid parking and parking may be difficult to find due to constructions. If you do arrive in car you can park in the nearest parking houses: P-hus Lüders, P-kælder Kronløbsøen or P-hus Orient Plads (the closest)
- Showcase area: Startups and ecosystem partners are very welcome to bring their rollups, products and marketing material to the event. Please send an email to info@angellainvest.com if you wish to do so, so we can prepare the site.